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Attentions to use kraft paper dunnage bag

來(lái)源:Admin 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-01-15 04:16:02  點(diǎn)擊:1230

1.  When using the dunnage bags , avoid excessive inflation to prevent large pressure damage the goods.

2.   Filling the dunnage bag should not be used in exceed applicated width of the gap

3.  If two or more dunnage bags must be used in one gap , it will be increased the touch area of bags

4.  Filling the effective space of the dunnage bag should not exceed the height of the cargo or pallet

5.  Fill the bottom of the dunnage bag should be more than 5cm away from the ground

6.  The goods have sharp angles or burrs , or packaging for wooden cases or wooden pallets, should use corrugated cardboard or other flat plate to protect the filling air bags

7.  Avoid the use filling dunnage air bags in the door to prevent the damage to the operator who opens the door 

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